Endowment/West Foundation

The Endowment Fund is the permanent fund of the Virginia Headwaters Council.  Gifts to the endowment are never spent, only the earnings on the gift’s investment.  Our endowmnet committee meets quarterly to review investment performance and votes on investment distribution of earnings.

You can give to the endowment in two ways; either a cash gift or a deferred gift.

The James E. West Fellowship is awarded to endowment donors who give $1,000 or more to the endowment over and above the annual Friends of Scouting gift.  James E. West was the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America.  Recipients of the James E. West Fellowship receive a certificate, lapel pin and a square knot for their uniform.

The Heritage Society recognizes deferred gifts, or gifts distributed after the donor is deceased.  Historically deferred gifts are proceeds from life insurance policies, but can include all or portion of the donor’s estate.

For more information making a gift to the endowment contact Sue Hart .

Camp Shenandoah 75th

Own Your Day

This day, February 22, at Camp Shenandoah made possible by:

    $274 per day That's What It Takes

    It takes $274 per day to keep Camp Shenandoah running, even when Camp is quiet. Electricity, maintenance, and staffing all require your help.

    Own Your Day »