For New Scouting Families

Thank you for inquiring about Scouting with Virginia Headwaters Council.  There are many reasons to join the Scouting movement with your child.  Even if you were a member of the BSA as a youth, the program has evolved to become more family oriented, so take a look at these short videos about Cub Scouting Scout Talk | What is Cub Scouts? | Boy Scouts of America or Scouts BSA Scout Talk | What is Scouts BSA? | Boy Scouts of America, then find and reach out to a unit near you to learn more.

Once you’ve found a Unit, signing up is easy.  Simply visit and select the “Join” button to sign up online.  Alternatively you can complete a paper application (also available in Spanish) and turn that in to the Unit leader or our Council Office.  Once the application has processed, you should receive an invitation to connect on Scoutbook.  This is where most Units keep their calendar of events and track advancement.  Be sure to download  the app for on Apple and Android devices so you can log accomplishments done outside of meetings too!

You’ll also want a uniform and handbook.  Just check with your Unit leaders first so you know exactly what you should get and what they will provide.  Unit leaders are also the best person to ask about gear.  You’ll likely be doing some hiking and camping, so you’ll want a sleeping bag, mess kit, and backpack, but see what they recommend before purchasing anything new.  Then, go enjoy the adventure!


Camp Shenandoah 75th

Own Your Day

This day, March 12, at Camp Shenandoah made possible by:

    $274 per day That's What It Takes

    It takes $274 per day to keep Camp Shenandoah running, even when Camp is quiet. Electricity, maintenance, and staffing all require your help.

    Own Your Day »